Although the Montreal International Design show was in its 25th edition, it was the first time I went there. As a precaution, I had planned the whole day and I was right. There was so much to see! Here are the exhibitors who left the deepest impression on me during this day full of surprises!
Gallery of Paintings
As soon as I set foot in the showroom, I went to the section called “The Gallery”. After the tour, two of the artists have particularly attracted me.
Louis Julien: Artist-Painter

La Danse du Vent – Louis Julien
Strength, resistance, the wind, boats … My eyes were drawn to a work called “The Dance of the Wind” (La Danse du Vent in french). I felt the strength through this artwork.
As the artist, Mr. Louis Julien, said “In the chaos, turmoil and stalemate, I like to break the boundaries of balance.”

La Fugue de L’Innocence – Louis Julien
We feel even more that feeling through the work named “The Fugue of Innocence” (La Fugue de l’Innocence in french) that was printed on a small card distributed during the exhibition. It’s really beautiful. I passed by two or three times in order to take another look at his artworks.
As the artist Po Shin Lau wrote in his article entitled “Contemplating Art“: When a work of art, a painting, attracts the gaze of the eye again and again, this is the charm art. And yes, through the works of Mr. Louis Julien, I truly understand the meaning of this sentence. My eyes did not want to leave this artwork. And yes, I was charmed !
Discover the works of Mr. Louis Julien on his web page:
Anne-Marie Coadebez: Acoa-Encaustic

I was attracted by some out of ordinary colors. At the same time, a very nice lady came to tell me that these works of art were produced by a technique called Encaustic. I had never heard of this. I was intrigued. I later learned that it was this lady, Anne-Marie Coadebez who was the artist behind these creative works.
Encaustic is a painting process that uses melted wax to produce unique colors. The main binder is natural beeswax. The lines and shapes are produced by hot irons and heated sharp tools.
Discover the works of Anne-Marie Coadebez on her webpage:
Not far from the section “Gallery” were robots …
Éric Nadeau – Nadosculptures

Robot made with sewing machine – by Nadosculptures
These robots seemed so familiar … But what exactly? Yes! These robots are made from sewing machines! (My mother is a dressmaker so I grew up with these machines.) However, Éric Nadeau, sculptor and assembler uses these sewing machines in a way not quite conventional. I felt that I was looking at some “Transformers” robots except that they are made from sewing machine and not car.
Among these small robots was a box. What was in it ? A gun! It’s really beautiful and creative. I have to show you a picture of this work of art taken during the show.

A Day Full of Discoveries
My experience at The Montreal International Design Show was fantastic. There were several other works that were unique and full of creativity. But the three artists above are those that I like the most. And yes! This show will be an annual event for me!